Monday, August 3, 2009

i knew it!

yay. FOP was fun. haha. quite cool man. haha. worship was quite good, but didnt really know the songs. haha. yeahh. then the prayer was super funny. jingsen and me keep laughing. haha YAY. okay i have nothing to say. oh tomorrow's english and wed's chinese. GG. haha. wait has blogger changed or its my internet?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


haha this blog's like dead la. go to the jerbert one. i think i post there now. teehee.

hmm life's normal, and stuff. just need to get more self control and do my homework. shucks man. haha. hmmm... I MISS CHURCH. I WANT TO GO BACK. and drums. and joyo. and daniel. haiz. bye daniel! will be praying for you! God bless and come back with wonderful testimonies! =).

ok. i should quickly do my lit and sleep. haha. BYE! i'll try to post more here!

what the heck man! haha its so fun! and she's right. it goes UP and down!

Friday, July 3, 2009

hello, all!

haha. havent post for a while, pretty lazy. oh yah church people! i got new shared blog at! haha. so i think i'll be posting there more often? haha. wheee school's quite interesting now, with the new english teacher and all.

stayed back today, did the lit project with matthew and others. quite fun haha.

yu qiang came my house, and we started having laughing fits over some small thing. HAHA. wheee

omg. haha. i totally miss you. it's going up and down!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


school's on monday and i haven't even finished the homework. i dont even know what homework there is. and im too lazy to find out/do it. haiz. ok anyway, yesterday went for movie! transformers 2. haha. not that fantastic, thought night at the museum 2 was better. but anyway, we sat at the 2nd row from the front. haha. was packed. ate percy piglets while watching, jere ate most of it and decided to pay. haha he's so nice. yeah. went to buy sweet talk after that. oreo milk tea. haha. then sat at the stairs and chatted. yeah thats about it la.

i think i like you

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cause you had a bad day...

aww man. shucks. got trashed by barker sec 2s today. sucks man. they confirm go boast they win us. whatever la. haha. but no point getting angry, just have to learn from our mistakes. lost a stud (again). haha.

got back from training, had lunch and all. slept again. haha. for like 4 hours? shiok man. woke up and slacked. I. NEED. TO. START. ON. MY. HOMEWORK.

train hard jerone. you can do this!

Monday, June 22, 2009


camp was good. so was sarah and wan hsi. amazing stuff. really. should hear her preach. its amazing. oh yah. sara's good at drums. wheee. haha. was real angry with _____. basket. anyway, time really does fly when you're having fun. shucks. =(. so sad no covenant challenge. they planned it out like siao then in the end dont have loh. dang. but still the camp was good. could really see God's works. wow. haha. team blackberries! yay. found out about some stuff. real touching and encouraging.

thanks filbert, daniel chan and josiah. thanks for always being there during my darkest times. thanks for your support.thanks.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

good job, guys

woke up at like 11. breakfast at 11:30. went for training. sat around. didnt do much. then got game against barker. 14-0= 70-0. yay. feel so good. aaahhhhh... i gotta do work man! shucks. i got craving for pizza now. dammit. today's a really hot day. even with my shirt off still very hot. cameback at like 6? had lunch. then i think gonna eat dinner soon. muahahahaha.

you're real good. but i want to know the song please.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

haha. thanks

wheee. tuition just ended. today's a busy day. havent posted from saturday. haha. so i guess this is gonna be about sunday and monday then

woke up like super late. haha. rushed to church. reach in time. was actually early. service was quite good. prayer too. the song after communion's nice. 'so we say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord.' whoohoo! great song. was supposed to go home immediately after youth but stayed till like 3+. muahahahahha. daniel prayed for me during youth. he had a vision. cool man! played a bit of drums. so fun. waited till esther they all come back church. failed in trying to do my chinese homework. decided to go home and sleep.

woke up, as usual. did english homework, ended up sleeping. did 2 journal writing in 8 hours. haha. the 1st one was total rubbish. wheee. went for a jog. felt so stupid. haha. you dont want to know why. blehh. haha

thanks for your answers. thank God for you.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


went for centaurs summer cup. they were quite good. but we still champions! w00t w00t! good job guys! =). but no prize. haha. no token at all leh. haha. samuel teo and geof got injured, hope they will recover soon.

came back. had headcahe. still having. guess i have to sleep soon then. haha. had dinner at west coast plaza. wanted to buy weight gainer. but a bit ex ah. 68.95. wow. haha. didnt buy in the end. had some vietnam food from viet inn. quite good leh. yeah. that's about it.

thank you for your support. thank you for everything. i'm feeling great nowadays thanks to you. really, thanks. =)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

so sad. =(

ian's at camp. esther's having family dinner. filbert's at singapore flyer. nat's not online. elaine's tutoring her brother. grace's not replying. there's no one fun to talk to online! =(

didnt go for match this morning. heard they lost cause of 1 conversion. close. =(. but everybody said they were real big and play dirty. yu qiang got lift tackled and then injured. well, we can only learn from our mistakes. still missing children's camp. =(. haha. next one's YAYA camp. wow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

it was fun fun fun...

whoah. had loads of fun during the children's camp. great fun. thanks uncle jeremy!

1st day:
reached there about 730-8? then went to press slides for the worship. slack.XD. then had prayer and stuff. went down for lunch. lunch was catered, and pretty bad. the rice was uber dry. haha. th only thing nice is the egg and sweet and sour pork. went to escape theme park. had loads of fun. met luke. cool. the viking was as fun as ever. pity esther. sit beside joanne. haha. she scream like super funny. haha. slacked around. went back. showered and had dinner. then had the indoor games. played some blanket game. dog and bone and something else. then they left for supper. oh yah. took joanne's phone! she was super scared. MUAHAHAHHAA. went up. drank my milo and slacked in the room. couldn't really sleep. very cold.

2nd and 3rd day:
woke up at 6. dream till 7. then went to shower. shiok-ness. sat there. haha then the ivyna, natalie and joanne keep snoring. haha. joanne sounded like lawn mower. super funny. sit there and laugh. the joshua ler woke up and shouted 'WAA. got music ah!' went for breakfast. quite nice. cant really remember what uncle jeremy said, but some words really spoke to me. haha. he's good at talking! lunch then go for the lta thing. wanted to take photo with the woman. then she dunno disappear where. got back and left for the adventure thing. a few p6s and p5s couldn't do cause they were too tall. alex was pretty upset about it. heard he cried.o.0 went back and showered. at night they played a movie. went to the ABF room for a while. ivyna called jolene. talked rubbish. went up and talked till like 3. lie down a while and slept for like 20 mins. too cold so didnt sleep. esther, grace and nat were like sleeping in room 1 and it was so nice la the temperature. was freezing outside. went down for breakfast. then had to leave for training and match. =(. heard that there were many paper bomb thingy stuck to the ceiling.

training was well, tiring. did 4x 400s. watched the last person of each group get punished. super funny la. they had to do a half- squat and sing twinkle twinkly little star with hand movements. then they had to start over and over again. HAHA. did gym then went for lunch at broadway. had ban mian and bandung. went back and watched a game. cardiff blues vs ?? in semis. sorry i forgot the other team. yu qiang came and watch our match. played the 1st 20mins then went off. sprained my ankle. =(. cannot play tomorrow's game. dammit. didnt take conversions. final score was 80-7. yay. played as 2nd rower. didnt know how to bind. blehh. must learn from robin. i rather play prop.

thank you so much. bringing joy to my life. you are like a pillar of strength to me. thank you. if only... sometimes you do go overboard but i guess it's alright cause thats the way girls are. thank you so so much. =). cant stop thinking of you!

Monday, June 8, 2009


gonna help out in children's camp. bye! =))))

Saturday, June 6, 2009

gone. forever.

is it gone? or is there still hope?

just came back from training. quite tiring. did 400s. then practised kick off. i've been demoted to a 2nd row-er. =(. idk how to bind. blehh. then we went to the gym while the coaches took the DSA trials. surprisingly, people did their stuff at the gym. they actually did! and they weke pushing themselves. amazing. jessica drove to pick me up. dad was guiding her. she took 15mins to get home? haha. long seh. today got no tuition! =))
oh yah. i have to take bus to training for the next 7 days. and my coach told me something true. 'you have the right to be wrong'. wow.

please. i'm feeling real down now. i dont know if you're talking about me. please tell me what it is. i want to know. know if you treat me as a

Friday, June 5, 2009


the nightmare continued. freaky.

did art homework today. took super long. suppose to draw. i traced. XD. then i went for math tuition. not too bad. came home and normal stuff.
nothing much happened really.

please please. stop it!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


had a nightmare last night. hope it wont come true. =(

today was pretty routine. wake up, breakfast, homework and stuff. finished my math homework. finally! aahhh. mom wants to check my work. cant go to school and copy. =(. haha. nothing much happenned today. wish the holidays were a lil more exciting.

i want to help out in the children's camp. but i guess it's a little too late to ask? wanna go. please uncle jeremy read this. PLEASE TELL ME I CAN HELP. AAAAHHHH. PLEASE LA.

so it's connected eh? couldn't you have told me earlier? it would've saved loads of trouble.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


yay. so fun. sorry haven't posted for a while. so here i am! =)

went for scouts civil defence thing then missed training. =(. the scouts thing wei hao was irritating us. it was quite funny. they say your palm is 1% of your body. so your face how many percent? then he say should be less than 5% unless you're a barney or doramon! HAHAHHAHA. but i missed out on gyming and learning the new machines. =(

had game against barker. we won. bernard got bit in the face. no stitching though. wei hao fault. sec 2s was crazy. china scored 6 tries. wow. samuel super funny. 'can yall stop playing with the ball or not?' haha. he's super nice. =). went back at 6?

got training again. ran 4 laps then went to the gym to do the new machines. my neck hurts now when i look down. =(. patnered wee kiat since had no one else. did the stuff. couldn't do pull-ups. =((. but he help me. haha. then after that we watched yesterday's game. then tell us our mistakes and all. coack was super funny! HAHAHAHHAHAHA.

thank you, but i don't feel the same way about you.

Friday, May 29, 2009

how time flies...

time really flies. it seems it was just yesterday that school started for the 1st term. and before i know it, the 2nd term's already over and half a year is gone. isn't it so fast? at times we wish that time would quickly go by, but we don't know that time is irreversible.

i guess most of y'all are still in school, finishing up the dreaded last day of the term, before you come back home to enjoy your long break. i wish you all the best for maybe the last 30 mins? enjoy it with your friends; you may not see them till a month later! =)

i guess it's impossible. i'm sorry.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


yay. my school no more already. finish. gone. 1 month break! =). tomorrow's the ptm, and i dunnid go school. yay! =).

training was a killer. did kiwi drills, 50m drills then some tackling drill because of the new laws in place. the tackling exercise was painful, esp with evandy venting his anger and charging at you like a bull.

class was crazy. the vice-chairman decided to let us do anything cuz it was the last day of school. shiok. tau-poked like siao. very fun. then suddenly got teacher come in. last lesson for 3 of my teachers today, 2 of them going to study, the last one i think go back hwa chong.

so, all the best for your last day! =)

i really dont know. i really really dont know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i need strawberry syrup. seriously.

went to learning journey today. the orchid farm super funny. the woman english very bad. so she say flower ranger. then i heard power ranger. haha. super funny. have training tomorrow. think its gonna be quite diffcult. heh. bye!

i really dont know. sometimes you seem so nice, others you really seem like you hate me. i really want to know the truth. really. ever since that day we've been so distant. is it me or you?

Monday, May 25, 2009


today was a very tiring day. went to school, was unable to wake up in the morning. then had training. our coach say must be at least 88kg in sec3. wow. i'll try my best i guess. well, im very tired. did gym, very weak me. cant lift plate 6 la. tsk tsk. must work harder. the starting did 400s, was last few. must train stamina. played basketball rugby. quite interesting. haha. i'm very hungry now(as usual). want to eat dinner soon. well, only 4 more days to the school hols!

i thought you said you would support me in everything i do? i guess it was just a lie.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


haha. my coach so funny today. ask me if you wanna know. ok, went training today, quite slack la. then after that got home, tuition. i slept during the ting xie. XD. ok so i'm going for youth later. then i think eat dinner. so bye!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


time really flies. it seems it was just yesterday that the exams ended. wow. results coming back on friday, hopefully i'll pass. and I THINK I PASSED CHINESE!! W00T W00T! wow.

had training today, quite fun. we started late and ended early. today was quite fruitful. learned loads. how to ruck properly and stuff. didnt do the 400s we were supposed to do. my mother was in the area so she picked me up. got home just. bye!

thank you for making my life great, but i think i ruined yours. sorry.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i'm feeling kinda sick

hey all. i'm feeling kinda sick now. headaches and all. i think was under the sun too much yesterday. aching all over after failing to do stretch-down yesterday. was quite fun. haha. restaurant city is addictive. dammit! its uber fun la. ok enough about yesterday.

went to church today, quite fun, ate at gurkahs, then i finally see the twins true colours. haha. ok. then we go back church. i went to watch josiah and kevin drumming for like 5 mins. then i went to ps edwin's house. very fun. then he thought china apple was beer! haha. we played some games. oh yah! we made a tune for sheng siong! it goes in the tune of 'heaven is a wonderful place.'

sheng siong is a wonderful place,

filled with ice-cream and grapes.

i want to see the cashier's face,

giving me my lovely change!

left for home. neighbour has this dam cool gun thingy. shoots rubber pellets super high. amazing.

was still h

Friday, May 15, 2009

w00t w00t

the exams are over!! w00t w00t! haha. the chinese paper the open ended thing very difficult. i took like 30 mins for 2 questions. then 2 mins for the last question. anyhoe copy some thing. finished just in time. *phew*.i think i screwed up my lit. but it doesnt matter till the results are back right? yeah man! i think i'll just pass geog and lit and both sciences. well, i guess that i should've studied more? haha. but well, its over!! =)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


hello all! tomorrow's the last paper! woohoo!! yeah man! wakakakakka. just bio and chinese. =(. gonna die at chinese man. and i still dont know what is a prokaryote and eukaryote. blehhh. i flunk today's lit. juest died. so much to write, so little time. all the best for your exams all!!! have fun mugging!!

wow. it's difficult isn't it?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

*shakes head*

i just screwed up my papers today. =(. confirm die already. and i have history and p science tomorrow. and i still havent study. both need loads. and i still havent. blehhh. =(.

i need to learn the way of a true mugga. please help me. i'm just so dead. geog was like crazy. i anyhow write rubbish. 'what is this plate?' ans: paper plate.

if i get correct i laugh.
well, gonna try to come back early tomorrow. and TRY to mug.

all the best for your exams!

this is my haven. this is where i cast all my insecurites. but its no longer one if you keep this up. please come.

Monday, May 11, 2009


everytime i listen to the song 'i miss you'. i feel this sense of something missing. like its just not there. esp at the part bout spiders. good drumming though. i like it. this song doesnt have any fill-in?haha.

woke up about 930? then i went to go shower.
shiokkk. now i'm not really thinking properly. cannot type properly.
guess there's nothing to write about yet. happy holiday all!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


hey thanks esther for the work!

went church today, aunty christina preached.
not too bad, she's improved.
constance was very good today, for a first timer.
she sang very high. i couldnt reach. no sound came out.
then went to tekka. wanted to eat curry puff.
dont have, so i bought 1 chicken pau, char siew pau and lor mai kai
shiok ah. ate in youth room. couldnt start the lor mai kai youth start
ps edwin didnt let me eat during cg time. =(
went to eat, played ball with amos. and sean. we owned sean! (nice one amos)

came back, slept.
went to cut hair
now gonna sleep. bye!

in case you still don't know, i've been cut from the drum course. continuing with the next group. i guess its alright, but when i first heard it, i was heartbroken and felt like crying. but, i guess its all part of God's plan. i guess there was also timely cutting me from the course. exams coming and all. so, thank God.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

perfect saturday. just perfect

ok. i just finished my tuition homework, and the tuition is starting in like 10mins. oh dear. chinese. i have to cut my hair, going to daniel goh's house later to study, not very excited about it. then we do some rubbish and play. then no use. haiz. i guess there's nothing else to say bout today, since its still in the morning

i think i screwed up last night.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



today was quite fun. esp during chinese. CAUSE TEACHER NEVER COME! haha. went to school, did some rubbish stuff. then now i;m supposed to study but i'm not. =(. those who prayed for my back, thanks and keep praying. its still hurting, hopefuly it'll heal tomorrow. going to go jogging and maybe do some gym tomorrow. in school. hah. but i think i wont. cause i''m scared of the track. have english remedial tomorrow. YESSHH!!!

i've nothing to go now... HELP!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

not gonna post about much

just thought of this. big and wide. random.

just cam back from dinner. bought PERCY PIGS!wakakaka. now i needa do work. =(. bye. haha

oooohhhhhh. YOU'RE WELL!

haha. well, you're well! wonder if you can come to church tomorrow! haha.

just finished tuition. last night went for dinner at west coast plaza. had waffle town. WOW. the food was quite nice. but a bit small. so we shared a footlong subway meetball marina. w00t w00t! imbalness man. then had bubble tea, bought a shirt(wow again), and went home. yeah. i'm in high spirits now. i dont know why. i didnt know ecstasy lasted so long.(just kidding). see you soon again people!

Friday, May 1, 2009

happy labour day!

i havent posted for sometime yet again. lol. sorry guys. anyway, i've strained/sprained my back, and painkillers dont work... ouch. so anyway, today's labour day. i actually did homework. but i'm still doing it. i woke up today, ate lor mai kai and shat. yucks. well, i plainning to go to dan goh's house for some study but i bet we'll get distracted. haha. heard natalie's down with suspected pneumonia? well, take care! and now there's the influeza A (H1N1). yeah. take care! dont get it!

Friday, April 24, 2009

so fast ah?

wow. time really flies. sorry i havent posted for a while. was rather lazy. XD. ok. today ACSI just won RIJC 12-3. yay! supposedly there's gonna be a match against barker for us tomorrow. i hope we'll play after missing it 2 weeks ago. its a pity that the B div lost on wednesday. but they did their best. they didn't lose anything for the school. they helped us get silver. good job guys!

there's extended worship tomorrow! and apparently there's DINNER. wow. i thought it was curry puff only or something. =).

Saturday, April 11, 2009

wow. it's already saturday. only a few more minutes before i can log onto facebook!!! w00t w00t! so, the week's drawing to a close, with meat going to reign in my life! haha. so yeah. there's church tomorrow! yeah!

had training today, pretty fun.
didnt play against barker. i dont know why. was looking forward to it. =(
got back, showered, tuition
watched amazing race for 3 hrs and went to sleep.
woke up and went for dinner with family
ate at billy bombers. ordered burger and had to remove the beef patty. lol
packeted jessica's chicken so i can eat tomorrow.
i can go on fb now i think!

Friday, April 10, 2009


today's good friday. and its really good when you dont have to go to school! but its not so good when you have to chiong loads of homework from school. i'm supposed to do my zuo wen, but i fell asleep. XD.

this morning i went to PPH church. they had some service. met my god-brother there.
then we went to eat at some indian restaurant. then the naan there is imba la!
got home, watched tv and slept.
now i'm stuck with my zuo wen. blehh
later i got barbeque to go to!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


talking to esther, she just told me about the dissection. YUCKS! ok anyway, i went to school. then my music teacher never come to class. wth la. =(. then anyway, went for training, then almost late. quickly changed, and then we did some cool stuff. arms aching. OH SHIT! I JUST REALISED I ATE MEAT!!!! AHHH!!!! CRAP!!!! DANG IT. D=.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

withdrawal symptoms

i'm feeling withdrawal symptoms. i just cant stop seeing people eat meat. then i had noodles today and i had to give the fishball, fishcake, minced meat all those to my friends. haha. had training, ran 1 lap today (so slack!). then we did the stretching all those. then did those basic stuff. haha. me had to do red balling on the hard floor of the MPH. and my ass hurts so badly now. owww. uncle raj sent me to the bus stop.(thanks nikhil and uncle raj!). bus came like 5 mins later. w00t w00t! then got home, shat and showered. came out, just ate an egg tart and here i am now. cant wait for sunday to come...

Monday, April 6, 2009

how cool is that??

wow. i find it real cool. it's like the first time i'm fasting, and its from more than one thing. wow. thanks pastor edwin. glad that carita liked the present, even happier that her blog is ALIVE! w00t w00t! ok. haha. had loads of fun in school today, and i didnt really feel sleepy during tuition today!!! w00t w00t w00t!!! haha. thank God. he's helping me. i started fasting, and he is blessing me. thank God. Amen. my day was fantastic! i had loads of fun. and i actually went for a jog! woohooo!!!! but bad timing haha. i wanted to run 4km, but i ended up running 2 cuz i needed to shit. haha. oh yah. in school, my friend gave me a hot dog bun, and i only ate the bread cuz i'm fasting from meat! haha. so funny la. then i dropped the sausage on the floor accidentally. then everybody around me was like OMG!!! haha. funny seah. have fun fasting people!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i told you so!

hello. as i said i will post again today. so here i am.waiting for some people to come online for their photos. oh yah! my own one! haha i forgot. here's what happened today

went for training. did 2.4, 13min 56s
then did gym... aww my arms!
watched some cool video on a rugby match.

went home showered and left for movie immediately.
ate dinner then go inside theatre. bought the frame.
at home waiting.

i told you so1

i hate the new ez-link card.

i hate the new ez-link card. i detest it. i want to eat it up and then spit it into a fire. bleh. i look disgusting. what a joke.

i just took another of photo with that thing on top. cause jolene has the camera. ok, let me tell you about last night.

went to the SSO concert, PM got go leh! we were like joking say get ready to throw bottle caps during the concert. and i brought my sticks to make noise during the concert. but they told us that we will get thrown out if we made noise. haiz. so couldnt make noise. so i slept during the concert. they started and i slept. then my friend woke me up for the intermission. went back in and slept again. friend woke me up to clap hand so we can go off. i didnt really hear anything so i cant remember anything. walked to raffles city the shopping center. had macdonalds. took MRT to habourfront. then wei hao suppose to treat me cab. then the bus come, so we started sprinting and chased after the bus. caught it just in time. phew. went home and slept.

today still nothing much happened. all i did was wake up, tuition, take photo. most probably i'll post again later.=)!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



today was quite interesting, pranked a lot of people and my teacher. so i got 5 hours of CWO. ok. well, all i can think of now is green patch and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARITA!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

hot n cold

i'm feeling cold, but my temperatures bout 38,4 degrees. i'm supposed to be doing my homework, but i cant. i'm just getting too distracted. anyway, here's my day!

i went to church. then went for service. they had a flyer and i started drawing on the face on it. then aunty ivy and her family was sitting behind me. aunty ivy saw the drawing, then isaac told me that the guy is aunty ivy's principal. XD. then went for lunch, guess where? TEKKA MARKET! haha. quite cool, huh? i bought prawn noodles, and 2 drinks. SHIOK. then went back, started whacking the drums anyhow. then esther came. she's uber pro la. its like she play before loh. better than me. =((. even josiah said so. haha. didnt get to talk to annyone in cg2 except kelyn, bong and isaac. =(((. they had lunch to celebrate carita's birthday. well, i dont know what to get her. but i was thinking of vinegar sauce cuz she likes it. should i get it? please tag. went for drum lessons, nathaniel taught us today, and as usual, i was HOPELESS. haha. like seriously.i playing 3rd beat only wrong. HAHA. sian. i better get better hand-eye coordination. or whatever. yeah. then i walked to MRT with joanne's family. then i met fabian and ryan kong. yeah. so, have a good life! it's God-given! dont take it for granted! =).

Friday, March 27, 2009


dammit. i cant go to church tomorrow. dammit. the internet was down yesterday and troday this happens. uuuggghhhh. I WANT TO GO TO CHURCH!!!!!! I WANT TO HAVE MY FIRST AND LAST SPORTS DAY!!! ok enough about this, my life now...

yesterday: training from 3-530, went late cuz of one of my teachers. then i got 30 laps round the track cuz i went late. after that, we did strength training. uber fun. followed by scrum machine. also quite fun.

today: i should have but i didnt. MAN! today also bad day. 1st of all, i didnt wear my corparate tee to school. sian. then i have to go for this bloody campfire. dammit. haha. anyway, have fun at church tomorrow all you fortunate ones!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wednesday already ah!

hey. i dont think anyone is reading my blog... haha. anyway, i dont know if i'm pissing people off, i really dont know. maybe its my low EQ.yeah. i think it is.
ok... anyway, today was quite interesting. i was talking rubbish again. almost got yu qiang's ball confiscated. haha. there's training tomorrow, looking a bit forward to it. most likely we're running 2.4km.. haha. ok wish me luck!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

it was fun fun fuuuunnnn....

i loved saturday and sunday!!!!ok here's what happened.

saturday: woke up at 6:30 for rugby game at dempsey. i thought it would end at 10am but was supposed to end at 3pm actually. then just before the finals, there was a heavy thunderstorm so we delayed the matches. then we became joint champs with montford. for the sec 2s, the OWNED every other team. and they made me the WATERBOY!!!! it's quite fun actually. anyway, we got gold for both. then i went home and after my shower, it was already 6. so i quickly just packed and left for church!!!!! chrcuh owned!!! uber fun!!! we played games. then got truth or dare. haha so fun. i wanna play more. =( had drums today, realised i sucked very badly haha. i cant get the beat for the easiest of things! i need to work! then we went for my grandfathers death anniversary. had dinner and laugh loads. night people!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


YAY! TODAY IS TUESDAY! WOOHOOO! IT WAS SO AMAZZING!!!! I LOVE TUESDAY! i think. ok. haha. hey you. miss talking to you on msn. yeah. come online soon! and i told you talking to you was real fun. as in really really really fun. fun until cannot fun. yeah. cya both online soon!

Monday, March 16, 2009

back from camp.

day 1 in camp: after school, went to scouts camp. bleh i forgot what i did.

lets do it this way:
1st day dinner: canadian pizza (3 piecces)
2nd day:
breakfast: roti prata (2)
lunch: chicken cutlet
dinner: chicken rice
supper: hotdog buns (3 buns)
3rd day breakfast: mcdonalds burger.
thats all i can remember
ok. i went to church at 1.30. then i realised that there was no drums. sian. had black carrot cake for lunch. missed cg2. =(( miss those people

back from camp.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

my legs!

i ran 4.8km today. someone if you see my blog please congratulate me. ok. haha. going for scouts camp tomorrow, wont be released until sundayyyyy. then i go to church!!! w00t w00t! then hols!!!!! woo hooo!!!! god bless you all guys!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

bad day

today is a very very bad day. ok. it started off normal. then i brought deon's and bryan's presents when they were not visiting my class. pai seh. then during chinese, the teacher didnt come so i pulled down zachary's pants. 3 times. so yeah. then he cried. then teacher come ask me stay back after school. so i stayed back and i got 3 demerit points. ok. then during lit, teacher also never come. jun xian was throwing water bottles and i was whacking them back. then i hit a bottle and it hit luke's eye. then i started making fun of navnek. so he was angry and as usual started abusing his power. whatever. i dont ccare. my life is so screwed up... sorry parents. =(.

Monday, March 9, 2009


i'm in love!!!! haha. ok. how's life people? if you know my blog that is... haha! i wanna go to church! i bet all you guys want to right? yeah!!!!! fun fun fun!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


today was fun. went to school as usual, came home as usual. and as usual, had lunch. usually, i would bathe. and i did just that. so in the usual manner, i got scolded. i decided to cold war her. but i'm not that good yet. i think. ok. i chiong-ed my homework and went to sleep. as usual. then eat dinner. fun hor!! w00t w00t! what a fun day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


hey. sorry i havent posted for a while. nobody is like visiting my blog except my darling. so i suppose it's alright. today school was quite fun. i saw janice in school. then she didnt know where the physics lab 1 was. neither did i. sorry i couldnt help. haha. anyway, went for training. now the toilet's full of grass. yeah. we saw like 2 dead frogs and 2 live frogs on the side field today. super funny. wei hao was super clean, so coach beng made him roll on the mud to make it dirty. then we threw him on the frog. he started screaming. haha. fun. ok. i need to pee now so have fun at school!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

wow-ing wednesday

hey carita! i saw your mom today! haha. i saw janice too. ok. erm.. sorry i havent posted for a while. this is my new blog. as in new link. whatever. ok. err. went to west coast park today for 3.2km run. cross country run la. then i saw janice and madam lu xiang. yeah. went for tuition after that... then came back. feel asleep for 3 hours!!! w00t w00t!!! it feels like wednesday has come so quickly. i dont know if its good or bad. looking forward to church. but i dont think its coming soon. oh yeah. i got a proper phone now.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

esther forever!!!

yay! esther taught me how to relink!!! esther forever!!! thank you!!!! w00t w00t. now all i have to do is tell all those people my new blog!!!!

bong, bong, bong!

tell me how to relink!!!! so i can privatise the blog and my mom wont know. uuggghhhh. no nice people will be going to church today... i dunno if the nice guys are going. haha. had rugby today, we were red-balling at the start, then jun jie lied on me and i had to turn with him on my back. he was screaming in pain when i lied on him.XD. sorry! then played game against sec 2s. coach beng didnt belief i was a prop and didnt let me play... sian...

Friday, February 20, 2009

scouts day

happy scouts day!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


ran 3.8km today. did some fun stuff in rugby. did stupid stuff too. such as saying i didnt bring my boots when they were beside my bag. i gonna leave soon. dunno why i posting this. i miss new year. sian. sian. sian. sian. bye bye!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 more down, 1 more to go!

yo wassup dudes!!!! my chinese common test ended, i think i'm gonna flunk it, but who cares? it's over!!! 0now only life science left!!! w00t w00t!!! pure ownage noobs!!! i'm not supposed to be using the comp now, but my mom is out. wakakakakkakaka! super high now, i dunno why. cant use the comp as often anymore, cuz of that PMS bitch. uugghhh. anyway, went to school today, had P.E. supposed to run 3.2 km but our teacher said if we came in below 3 mins on the 6th round, we dont need to do the rest. so everyone sprinted and died at the 150m mark. but we all managed to come in before 3 mins. i have rugby tomorrow, getting a bit bored of it. as in the training. i would still like to thank you(you know who you are i think). thanks for everything!!

oh yeah...i made this super corny joke. erm. you guys know the movie IP man?? yeah. the IP man guy studied in acsi before leh! his PSLE score also very high. that's why he got into IP! get it get it?? you know IP?? know know???

keep w00ting-the w00tz man.
P.S. i hope you really get it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


uugghhh. so sorry. i shouldnt have. uughhh. there was church today, very boring. (it always is if you dont get to talk to those fun people) just played a bit of b ball, left at 12 10. sian. lit common test tomorrow, supposed to be studying, but who cares?! sian sian sian

Thursday, February 12, 2009

a wonderful thursday. (maybe not)

today got physics common test. confirm gg loh. super difficult la. uugghhh. i wanna relink my blog so my mom wont be able to read it... sian. anyway, not supposed to be using the comp now, but my mom is out. sucker!!!! supposed to go for rugby training today, but got CIP ss i didnt. coach asked me to go back to run 2.4km then go home but i didnt want to. i think yu qiang and JB went so i'm so dead. tomorrow's a friday, followed by saturday!!! got youth!!! w00t w00t!!!! i got my phone last sunday, dam chio!!! so saturday i can show off to you'll. its like PURE OWNAGE NOOBS! wakakakakakka. i'm bored now. someone, entertain me!!!! haha. phone glorious phone!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


erm. dont worry, will be inviting the people soon, blog quite dead, cuz of the deleted stuff. anyway, i had mcgriddles this morning! cuz at west coast park, we had our orientation run. so there got mcdonalds. so makan makan loh. ran 3.2km today, then lessons as usual, decided to not play up in english class. yeah. i scared coach jock. went for rugby, saw joseph wong, esther, so how? anyway, today was coach beng's birthday,(beng's the idiotic emo coach) he never really helps. just scolds. erm, have CIP on thu, will miss training, so most likely wont be playing against barker on sat.uugghhhh. pfft. haha. gonna invite those nice people from church now!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

a saturday! woohoo!

w00t w00t! church later! gonna leave early so i can be there early? ps edwin say go early at 3. but jolene say need to be there by 3.30. heck la. go early. rugby training today, had to do 20 push-ups for not wearing acs socks. i dropped the ball twice so 20 sit-ups. didnt wear mouth guard, another 20 push-ups and a whole lot of other rubbish reasons for push-ups. uugghhh. played a game today, against acps. we won again, but played rubbishly, gareth kept making hole for them to run through. got tackled by the fat guy in the face AGAIN. erm. coack jock said he didnt like soccer, and if he saw us playing soccer he would make us do 1000 push-ups and a red card for cca points. dang. going to church soon, wearing new clothes and shoes!!!! w00t w00t! cya church people later!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

16! wowzers.

hed rugby training today, got cut by my own boots, the back of my shirt was black, the front wasnt as bad. reached home, ran 4.8km in total today, legs super tired, want to die. have no idea what homework there is today, hopefully someone will tell me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

special day for me!

visited teachers today, guards didnt let me in, but managed to get in! haha. suckers. PURE OWNAGE NOOBS! anyway, asked baldy for ang pow, didnt give me, told him he had a nice hair style, didnt reply. uugghhh. pfft. anyway, the mystery behind 'your father' is still going on, may have an idea who it is, but shan't say it(no it's not you esther). anyway, happy new year still, God bless

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

cny 2nd day...

forgot to go to hannah's side today,so most porbably billy ray cyrus will kill me tomorrow. haha jkjk. so there's no school tomorrow, but i'm meeting steven and amos and joel chan and nic lim and jeremy tomorrow to meet the teachers. steven has decided to sponsor me for a '10 min all you can eat panko' haha. gonna meet raihann and sean after that for project, then go home for tuition. =( that accounts for not having the school... have to chiong now, happy new year all!


erm. cant talk bout much. went visitation, collect ang pow, erm, dinner with relatives. played with nephews a bit of rugby(tio own) happy new year all!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


tomorrow the tomorrow is chinese new year already leh.(forgive me for my bad english) ang pow, steamboat... waa shiok seah. erm. today i went to school for rugby, played for a while against acs(p) the p6s. of course we won la. but there's this super fat guy, i bet he's like 80kg. he just tackled my face and the refree didnt even see it. so, my neck hurts when i turn it left. darn guy. should've punched him back. uuggghhhh. pfft. haha. there wasnt youth today, sadly. but i still went to ps edwin's house, ate LOADS. the food was just imba. played loads of games, had lots of fun UNTIL my mother came. then i was pretty quiet for the last 45 mins. but the 1st part i was crazy. until a lot of people say i need to go to mental hospital. ps edwin never give me ang pow. =(( . sad haha. XD jkjk

Friday, January 23, 2009

15!!!! w00t w00t!

hhhhmmmmm. FRIDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!! w00t w00t! TOMORROW GOT YOUTH!!!! wait. tomorrow got no youth. yeah. SHAT! but i going ps edwin house! hopefuly got ang pow! XD. how's life people? coach jock will be coaching us tomorrow, a bit hesitant about going. just realised its very easy to right the word online. try it! haha. have fun!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


rugby today. interesting. knees hurting. nobody's really online now, kinda boring. left my pencil case in school/lost it. cant find another nice pen to use. slacking atm. have english, history and science hw to do, which i havent started on any. i hate the english homework, and now i have no idea how to change my blogskin. come online carita!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

12th dey

sucks cant post anything now. cuz get this bloody error thingy. pissing shant post then. if i can get this up its a miracle.

12th dey

happy birthday jia ler! 14 already leh... so old! haha.

rugby today, after training, saw robin's dad and sister, and they kept calling me cute?wth? its like i dont even know them... and i'm not cute... anyway, his dad looks like him. ooohhhhhh... bong has a blog!!!! its! go check it out!

Monday, January 19, 2009

11th dudes...

hey all, chionging history while blogging. school was pretty interesting today, being a monday, we were all tired. did a lot of rubbish in class today, everybody was laughing like siao. english tomorrow! yay! haha. all the best for the rest of your week!

Friday, January 16, 2009

10th now.. 2 digits at least

tml saturday, youth, great. finally. youth again. still feeling guilty, after yesterday. yeah. i'm talking to the normal people online but aint seem to be cheering up. anyway, this afternoon. when i came home from school, nobody was home and i didnt have a key. so i waited outside for a while and climbed over the gate. then i sat outside and watied for my mom to come home. about 45 mins i was sitting there, staring into blank space, doing nothing. quite fun, huh? cya nice people at church tml.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

9th day?

rugby today. 2.4km, 140 sit-ups, loads of push-ups. we were actually supposed to do 100 only, but i drank water so we had to do 140. then everyone went WALAU blah blah blah! feeling real guilty. played rubbishly today, dropping the ball like siao and doing foward passes. the coach kept asking me to ROLL MY SHOULDERS AND MOVE MY HEAD. haha. yeah, it was my fault, i should have, and it actually works!(it has to or he wont be my coach) ruby was usual today, havent used our brick yet, hopefully we wont. i accidentally ran onto the track , when all the older cross country people were running, this guy shouted OI! and the rest were like 'f___ you!' or 'get off the f___ing tracking!' then this guy pushed me. yeah.

school was hilarious today. as in like during class.
teacher: you must be open-minded last time people thoguht the world was flat! but we all know it is a circle!
soon yang: the earth is pear-shaped.
class: no luhhhh blah blah blah
soon yang: it really is pear-shaped!
utsav raksit: must be open-minded!

someone slap me so i will stop talking about school!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my 8th day...

school was fine.. school again... anyways, english lesson was vey funny i kept laughing. ask me if you want to know, kinda lazy now.XD. haha.bye

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the 7th day i think

rugby today. slack again. but i dont know if it is supposed to stay this way or i'm just used to floorball training in p6. I REALLY DONT KNOW!!! acs i played against montford at home today, i think we won.(like totally) anyway, my shirt is all dirty now and i havent showered. 200 was very slow today. i waited for at least 45 mins. my bag was killing me and so was my brick. but i didnt die(sorry to disappoint you). there's homework today, but i dont know what we are supposed to do. help me someone!!!! i dont know why, but i feel like saying this: God bless you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

6th day, i guess

hey all. rugby tomorrow. hopefully as slack as usual, sorry bout my boring blog all about school but there really isnt much to talk about. gonna get a tan after all these rugby trainings and hopefully i will stop getting these aches soon. the only fun people online last night was carita and esther, but esther left really really early. guess must be her school tomorrow. but talking to carita was interesting, but i guess now i can only talk to the rest of the fun people on weekends. thanks a lot schools... i guess i will miss talking to them. all you nice people come online soon kay? anw, church wasnt as fun as last week, it was kinda boring to me that is. there werent any funny conversations, just a short chocolate yu yuan and yeah. hopefully it wont be like this next time.XD

Friday, January 9, 2009

a miserable friday...

today was supposed to be great but it wasnt so good. gonna post a very short one today. have rugby training tomorrow at 8-10, youth at 4-6.hopefully youth can stop making me feel depressed.

I really wanna talk to you but i dont know if i should. i have a doubt about approaching you sometimes. by the words you say u sound happy but i'm scared its not that way. I’m scared that i’m making your life miserable. Ever since ive joined you guys, i feel like i actually mean something, but i keep getting this feeling im making your life worse. Maybe i should just leave u people alone and go back to my old clique. It may be a much worse place but if it makes you guys happier then i guess i should. and you. you think you are so pitiful? i sometime really feel like venting my frustration at you. you may be in a bad mood but you have no idea how depressed i feel. life just sucks now.

5th day yesterday

got into acsi rugby, but my dad wants me to join soccer. i dont mind that because i dont know anything about rugby. so my dad got the soccer coach's number. 9 mean i helped my dad get the number. rugby training was quite ok but i heard it was very very very slack. i have anogther training on saturday and i hope it would be fun. nobody seems to be online on msn these days. really missed those good old days when we would talk for 2 hours on msn in one conversation like 7 people altogether.saying stupid stuff while listening to music was the best. how i miss those days.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

3rd day now...

loads happened today. 1st there were reporters checking out the results for the IB. average for ACS(I) was 40.1!!!!! they said to get to cambridge or oxford yoZ. my school leh!!!! XD. NOW GOT HOLIDAY ON FRIDAY!!!!!w00t w00t!!! anyways, so we did a quiz thingy, which was like deal or no deal. my group did very badly for the 1st round, with only 300 points then the second last team had 25000 points already.. haiz..then we had a treasure hunt thingy for orientation/discovery camp. yeah. quite fun yeah. so i had some noodle thing for recess. quite nice. well, even though its still quite early, i guess i should get to sleep soon. have fun at school people! try your best even if you dont like it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2nd day of school!

yesterday, church owned!!!!! it was like pure ownage noobs! like totally very very very fun!!!!!! i went to carita's cg room, (is it cg1 or cg2?) played chocolate yu yuan. kelyn got owned!!! she kept crawling!^^heehee. amazon jungle!!!! anyways, we chatted while i was busy picking out cockles from my fried kway teow. then dad came and we left. cut hair, looks disgusting. its like i have a duck beak at the end... wonder what on earth the barber was doing. no choice because i was scared that school might check!
todays talk at school was very funny!!!!! mr rasdeen was talking about haircuts and all and i was laughing my head off. he talked about funny hair cuts about shaving and all. i still lover my school! the environment and all is fantastic! and we can play soccer anytime!!!!(except during lessons). sorry natalie if ur angry with me after reading this. =X

Saturday, January 3, 2009

school starts....

okwell, school has started. acsi, very good school to be in!!! anyway, school started off and i fell asleep in class for 40 mins. the teacher left and all my friends had to cover me so she could not see me when we greeted her to say buh-bye. i was laughing with my friend when i woke. when i left school, i was waiting at the bus stop. then suddenly isaac saw me. then he screamed my name and ran across the bus stop. i was like oh shit! then everyone was staring at me and him. reached home and saw my mom and sister jessica watching little nyonya last ep. went home logged on to msn and immediately esther went HI! guess she must have been really bored. conferenced at night on the phone. stuff happened. was really depressed this morning. until like 2+ when i talked to carita and natalie only then did i cheer up. anw, GOING TO CHURCH FOR YOUTH LATER!!!!YEAH!!! so happy man! cant wait. hope i dont get lost while taking bus/mrt! lol^^ shld be leaving soon, shall wash up and leave then. buh-bye people!