Wednesday, June 3, 2009


yay. so fun. sorry haven't posted for a while. so here i am! =)

went for scouts civil defence thing then missed training. =(. the scouts thing wei hao was irritating us. it was quite funny. they say your palm is 1% of your body. so your face how many percent? then he say should be less than 5% unless you're a barney or doramon! HAHAHHAHA. but i missed out on gyming and learning the new machines. =(

had game against barker. we won. bernard got bit in the face. no stitching though. wei hao fault. sec 2s was crazy. china scored 6 tries. wow. samuel super funny. 'can yall stop playing with the ball or not?' haha. he's super nice. =). went back at 6?

got training again. ran 4 laps then went to the gym to do the new machines. my neck hurts now when i look down. =(. patnered wee kiat since had no one else. did the stuff. couldn't do pull-ups. =((. but he help me. haha. then after that we watched yesterday's game. then tell us our mistakes and all. coack was super funny! HAHAHAHHAHAHA.

thank you, but i don't feel the same way about you.

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