Tuesday, June 16, 2009

haha. thanks

wheee. tuition just ended. today's a busy day. havent posted from saturday. haha. so i guess this is gonna be about sunday and monday then

woke up like super late. haha. rushed to church. reach in time. was actually early. service was quite good. prayer too. the song after communion's nice. 'so we say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord.' whoohoo! great song. was supposed to go home immediately after youth but stayed till like 3+. muahahahahha. daniel prayed for me during youth. he had a vision. cool man! played a bit of drums. so fun. waited till esther they all come back church. failed in trying to do my chinese homework. decided to go home and sleep.

woke up, as usual. did english homework, ended up sleeping. did 2 journal writing in 8 hours. haha. the 1st one was total rubbish. wheee. went for a jog. felt so stupid. haha. you dont want to know why. blehh. haha

thanks for your answers. thank God for you.

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