Thursday, January 15, 2009

9th day?

rugby today. 2.4km, 140 sit-ups, loads of push-ups. we were actually supposed to do 100 only, but i drank water so we had to do 140. then everyone went WALAU blah blah blah! feeling real guilty. played rubbishly today, dropping the ball like siao and doing foward passes. the coach kept asking me to ROLL MY SHOULDERS AND MOVE MY HEAD. haha. yeah, it was my fault, i should have, and it actually works!(it has to or he wont be my coach) ruby was usual today, havent used our brick yet, hopefully we wont. i accidentally ran onto the track , when all the older cross country people were running, this guy shouted OI! and the rest were like 'f___ you!' or 'get off the f___ing tracking!' then this guy pushed me. yeah.

school was hilarious today. as in like during class.
teacher: you must be open-minded last time people thoguht the world was flat! but we all know it is a circle!
soon yang: the earth is pear-shaped.
class: no luhhhh blah blah blah
soon yang: it really is pear-shaped!
utsav raksit: must be open-minded!

someone slap me so i will stop talking about school!

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