Monday, January 5, 2009

2nd day of school!

yesterday, church owned!!!!! it was like pure ownage noobs! like totally very very very fun!!!!!! i went to carita's cg room, (is it cg1 or cg2?) played chocolate yu yuan. kelyn got owned!!! she kept crawling!^^heehee. amazon jungle!!!! anyways, we chatted while i was busy picking out cockles from my fried kway teow. then dad came and we left. cut hair, looks disgusting. its like i have a duck beak at the end... wonder what on earth the barber was doing. no choice because i was scared that school might check!
todays talk at school was very funny!!!!! mr rasdeen was talking about haircuts and all and i was laughing my head off. he talked about funny hair cuts about shaving and all. i still lover my school! the environment and all is fantastic! and we can play soccer anytime!!!!(except during lessons). sorry natalie if ur angry with me after reading this. =X

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