Saturday, January 24, 2009


tomorrow the tomorrow is chinese new year already leh.(forgive me for my bad english) ang pow, steamboat... waa shiok seah. erm. today i went to school for rugby, played for a while against acs(p) the p6s. of course we won la. but there's this super fat guy, i bet he's like 80kg. he just tackled my face and the refree didnt even see it. so, my neck hurts when i turn it left. darn guy. should've punched him back. uuggghhhh. pfft. haha. there wasnt youth today, sadly. but i still went to ps edwin's house, ate LOADS. the food was just imba. played loads of games, had lots of fun UNTIL my mother came. then i was pretty quiet for the last 45 mins. but the 1st part i was crazy. until a lot of people say i need to go to mental hospital. ps edwin never give me ang pow. =(( . sad haha. XD jkjk

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