Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 more down, 1 more to go!

yo wassup dudes!!!! my chinese common test ended, i think i'm gonna flunk it, but who cares? it's over!!! 0now only life science left!!! w00t w00t!!! pure ownage noobs!!! i'm not supposed to be using the comp now, but my mom is out. wakakakakkakaka! super high now, i dunno why. cant use the comp as often anymore, cuz of that PMS bitch. uugghhh. anyway, went to school today, had P.E. supposed to run 3.2 km but our teacher said if we came in below 3 mins on the 6th round, we dont need to do the rest. so everyone sprinted and died at the 150m mark. but we all managed to come in before 3 mins. i have rugby tomorrow, getting a bit bored of it. as in the training. i would still like to thank you(you know who you are i think). thanks for everything!!

oh yeah...i made this super corny joke. erm. you guys know the movie IP man?? yeah. the IP man guy studied in acsi before leh! his PSLE score also very high. that's why he got into IP! get it get it?? you know IP?? know know???

keep w00ting-the w00tz man.
P.S. i hope you really get it.

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