Thursday, February 12, 2009

a wonderful thursday. (maybe not)

today got physics common test. confirm gg loh. super difficult la. uugghhh. i wanna relink my blog so my mom wont be able to read it... sian. anyway, not supposed to be using the comp now, but my mom is out. sucker!!!! supposed to go for rugby training today, but got CIP ss i didnt. coach asked me to go back to run 2.4km then go home but i didnt want to. i think yu qiang and JB went so i'm so dead. tomorrow's a friday, followed by saturday!!! got youth!!! w00t w00t!!!! i got my phone last sunday, dam chio!!! so saturday i can show off to you'll. its like PURE OWNAGE NOOBS! wakakakakakka. i'm bored now. someone, entertain me!!!! haha. phone glorious phone!!!!!

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