Saturday, January 31, 2009

a saturday! woohoo!

w00t w00t! church later! gonna leave early so i can be there early? ps edwin say go early at 3. but jolene say need to be there by 3.30. heck la. go early. rugby training today, had to do 20 push-ups for not wearing acs socks. i dropped the ball twice so 20 sit-ups. didnt wear mouth guard, another 20 push-ups and a whole lot of other rubbish reasons for push-ups. uugghhh. played a game today, against acps. we won again, but played rubbishly, gareth kept making hole for them to run through. got tackled by the fat guy in the face AGAIN. erm. coack jock said he didnt like soccer, and if he saw us playing soccer he would make us do 1000 push-ups and a red card for cca points. dang. going to church soon, wearing new clothes and shoes!!!! w00t w00t! cya church people later!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

16! wowzers.

hed rugby training today, got cut by my own boots, the back of my shirt was black, the front wasnt as bad. reached home, ran 4.8km in total today, legs super tired, want to die. have no idea what homework there is today, hopefully someone will tell me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

special day for me!

visited teachers today, guards didnt let me in, but managed to get in! haha. suckers. PURE OWNAGE NOOBS! anyway, asked baldy for ang pow, didnt give me, told him he had a nice hair style, didnt reply. uugghhh. pfft. anyway, the mystery behind 'your father' is still going on, may have an idea who it is, but shan't say it(no it's not you esther). anyway, happy new year still, God bless

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

cny 2nd day...

forgot to go to hannah's side today,so most porbably billy ray cyrus will kill me tomorrow. haha jkjk. so there's no school tomorrow, but i'm meeting steven and amos and joel chan and nic lim and jeremy tomorrow to meet the teachers. steven has decided to sponsor me for a '10 min all you can eat panko' haha. gonna meet raihann and sean after that for project, then go home for tuition. =( that accounts for not having the school... have to chiong now, happy new year all!


erm. cant talk bout much. went visitation, collect ang pow, erm, dinner with relatives. played with nephews a bit of rugby(tio own) happy new year all!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


tomorrow the tomorrow is chinese new year already leh.(forgive me for my bad english) ang pow, steamboat... waa shiok seah. erm. today i went to school for rugby, played for a while against acs(p) the p6s. of course we won la. but there's this super fat guy, i bet he's like 80kg. he just tackled my face and the refree didnt even see it. so, my neck hurts when i turn it left. darn guy. should've punched him back. uuggghhhh. pfft. haha. there wasnt youth today, sadly. but i still went to ps edwin's house, ate LOADS. the food was just imba. played loads of games, had lots of fun UNTIL my mother came. then i was pretty quiet for the last 45 mins. but the 1st part i was crazy. until a lot of people say i need to go to mental hospital. ps edwin never give me ang pow. =(( . sad haha. XD jkjk

Friday, January 23, 2009

15!!!! w00t w00t!

hhhhmmmmm. FRIDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!! w00t w00t! TOMORROW GOT YOUTH!!!! wait. tomorrow got no youth. yeah. SHAT! but i going ps edwin house! hopefuly got ang pow! XD. how's life people? coach jock will be coaching us tomorrow, a bit hesitant about going. just realised its very easy to right the word online. try it! haha. have fun!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


rugby today. interesting. knees hurting. nobody's really online now, kinda boring. left my pencil case in school/lost it. cant find another nice pen to use. slacking atm. have english, history and science hw to do, which i havent started on any. i hate the english homework, and now i have no idea how to change my blogskin. come online carita!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

12th dey

sucks cant post anything now. cuz get this bloody error thingy. pissing shant post then. if i can get this up its a miracle.

12th dey

happy birthday jia ler! 14 already leh... so old! haha.

rugby today, after training, saw robin's dad and sister, and they kept calling me cute?wth? its like i dont even know them... and i'm not cute... anyway, his dad looks like him. ooohhhhhh... bong has a blog!!!! its! go check it out!

Monday, January 19, 2009

11th dudes...

hey all, chionging history while blogging. school was pretty interesting today, being a monday, we were all tired. did a lot of rubbish in class today, everybody was laughing like siao. english tomorrow! yay! haha. all the best for the rest of your week!

Friday, January 16, 2009

10th now.. 2 digits at least

tml saturday, youth, great. finally. youth again. still feeling guilty, after yesterday. yeah. i'm talking to the normal people online but aint seem to be cheering up. anyway, this afternoon. when i came home from school, nobody was home and i didnt have a key. so i waited outside for a while and climbed over the gate. then i sat outside and watied for my mom to come home. about 45 mins i was sitting there, staring into blank space, doing nothing. quite fun, huh? cya nice people at church tml.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

9th day?

rugby today. 2.4km, 140 sit-ups, loads of push-ups. we were actually supposed to do 100 only, but i drank water so we had to do 140. then everyone went WALAU blah blah blah! feeling real guilty. played rubbishly today, dropping the ball like siao and doing foward passes. the coach kept asking me to ROLL MY SHOULDERS AND MOVE MY HEAD. haha. yeah, it was my fault, i should have, and it actually works!(it has to or he wont be my coach) ruby was usual today, havent used our brick yet, hopefully we wont. i accidentally ran onto the track , when all the older cross country people were running, this guy shouted OI! and the rest were like 'f___ you!' or 'get off the f___ing tracking!' then this guy pushed me. yeah.

school was hilarious today. as in like during class.
teacher: you must be open-minded last time people thoguht the world was flat! but we all know it is a circle!
soon yang: the earth is pear-shaped.
class: no luhhhh blah blah blah
soon yang: it really is pear-shaped!
utsav raksit: must be open-minded!

someone slap me so i will stop talking about school!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my 8th day...

school was fine.. school again... anyways, english lesson was vey funny i kept laughing. ask me if you want to know, kinda lazy now.XD. haha.bye

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the 7th day i think

rugby today. slack again. but i dont know if it is supposed to stay this way or i'm just used to floorball training in p6. I REALLY DONT KNOW!!! acs i played against montford at home today, i think we won.(like totally) anyway, my shirt is all dirty now and i havent showered. 200 was very slow today. i waited for at least 45 mins. my bag was killing me and so was my brick. but i didnt die(sorry to disappoint you). there's homework today, but i dont know what we are supposed to do. help me someone!!!! i dont know why, but i feel like saying this: God bless you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

6th day, i guess

hey all. rugby tomorrow. hopefully as slack as usual, sorry bout my boring blog all about school but there really isnt much to talk about. gonna get a tan after all these rugby trainings and hopefully i will stop getting these aches soon. the only fun people online last night was carita and esther, but esther left really really early. guess must be her school tomorrow. but talking to carita was interesting, but i guess now i can only talk to the rest of the fun people on weekends. thanks a lot schools... i guess i will miss talking to them. all you nice people come online soon kay? anw, church wasnt as fun as last week, it was kinda boring to me that is. there werent any funny conversations, just a short chocolate yu yuan and yeah. hopefully it wont be like this next time.XD

Friday, January 9, 2009

a miserable friday...

today was supposed to be great but it wasnt so good. gonna post a very short one today. have rugby training tomorrow at 8-10, youth at 4-6.hopefully youth can stop making me feel depressed.

I really wanna talk to you but i dont know if i should. i have a doubt about approaching you sometimes. by the words you say u sound happy but i'm scared its not that way. I’m scared that i’m making your life miserable. Ever since ive joined you guys, i feel like i actually mean something, but i keep getting this feeling im making your life worse. Maybe i should just leave u people alone and go back to my old clique. It may be a much worse place but if it makes you guys happier then i guess i should. and you. you think you are so pitiful? i sometime really feel like venting my frustration at you. you may be in a bad mood but you have no idea how depressed i feel. life just sucks now.

5th day yesterday

got into acsi rugby, but my dad wants me to join soccer. i dont mind that because i dont know anything about rugby. so my dad got the soccer coach's number. 9 mean i helped my dad get the number. rugby training was quite ok but i heard it was very very very slack. i have anogther training on saturday and i hope it would be fun. nobody seems to be online on msn these days. really missed those good old days when we would talk for 2 hours on msn in one conversation like 7 people altogether.saying stupid stuff while listening to music was the best. how i miss those days.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

3rd day now...

loads happened today. 1st there were reporters checking out the results for the IB. average for ACS(I) was 40.1!!!!! they said to get to cambridge or oxford yoZ. my school leh!!!! XD. NOW GOT HOLIDAY ON FRIDAY!!!!!w00t w00t!!! anyways, so we did a quiz thingy, which was like deal or no deal. my group did very badly for the 1st round, with only 300 points then the second last team had 25000 points already.. haiz..then we had a treasure hunt thingy for orientation/discovery camp. yeah. quite fun yeah. so i had some noodle thing for recess. quite nice. well, even though its still quite early, i guess i should get to sleep soon. have fun at school people! try your best even if you dont like it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2nd day of school!

yesterday, church owned!!!!! it was like pure ownage noobs! like totally very very very fun!!!!!! i went to carita's cg room, (is it cg1 or cg2?) played chocolate yu yuan. kelyn got owned!!! she kept crawling!^^heehee. amazon jungle!!!! anyways, we chatted while i was busy picking out cockles from my fried kway teow. then dad came and we left. cut hair, looks disgusting. its like i have a duck beak at the end... wonder what on earth the barber was doing. no choice because i was scared that school might check!
todays talk at school was very funny!!!!! mr rasdeen was talking about haircuts and all and i was laughing my head off. he talked about funny hair cuts about shaving and all. i still lover my school! the environment and all is fantastic! and we can play soccer anytime!!!!(except during lessons). sorry natalie if ur angry with me after reading this. =X

Saturday, January 3, 2009

school starts....

okwell, school has started. acsi, very good school to be in!!! anyway, school started off and i fell asleep in class for 40 mins. the teacher left and all my friends had to cover me so she could not see me when we greeted her to say buh-bye. i was laughing with my friend when i woke. when i left school, i was waiting at the bus stop. then suddenly isaac saw me. then he screamed my name and ran across the bus stop. i was like oh shit! then everyone was staring at me and him. reached home and saw my mom and sister jessica watching little nyonya last ep. went home logged on to msn and immediately esther went HI! guess she must have been really bored. conferenced at night on the phone. stuff happened. was really depressed this morning. until like 2+ when i talked to carita and natalie only then did i cheer up. anw, GOING TO CHURCH FOR YOUTH LATER!!!!YEAH!!! so happy man! cant wait. hope i dont get lost while taking bus/mrt! lol^^ shld be leaving soon, shall wash up and leave then. buh-bye people!