Friday, April 24, 2009

so fast ah?

wow. time really flies. sorry i havent posted for a while. was rather lazy. XD. ok. today ACSI just won RIJC 12-3. yay! supposedly there's gonna be a match against barker for us tomorrow. i hope we'll play after missing it 2 weeks ago. its a pity that the B div lost on wednesday. but they did their best. they didn't lose anything for the school. they helped us get silver. good job guys!

there's extended worship tomorrow! and apparently there's DINNER. wow. i thought it was curry puff only or something. =).

Saturday, April 11, 2009

wow. it's already saturday. only a few more minutes before i can log onto facebook!!! w00t w00t! so, the week's drawing to a close, with meat going to reign in my life! haha. so yeah. there's church tomorrow! yeah!

had training today, pretty fun.
didnt play against barker. i dont know why. was looking forward to it. =(
got back, showered, tuition
watched amazing race for 3 hrs and went to sleep.
woke up and went for dinner with family
ate at billy bombers. ordered burger and had to remove the beef patty. lol
packeted jessica's chicken so i can eat tomorrow.
i can go on fb now i think!

Friday, April 10, 2009


today's good friday. and its really good when you dont have to go to school! but its not so good when you have to chiong loads of homework from school. i'm supposed to do my zuo wen, but i fell asleep. XD.

this morning i went to PPH church. they had some service. met my god-brother there.
then we went to eat at some indian restaurant. then the naan there is imba la!
got home, watched tv and slept.
now i'm stuck with my zuo wen. blehh
later i got barbeque to go to!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


talking to esther, she just told me about the dissection. YUCKS! ok anyway, i went to school. then my music teacher never come to class. wth la. =(. then anyway, went for training, then almost late. quickly changed, and then we did some cool stuff. arms aching. OH SHIT! I JUST REALISED I ATE MEAT!!!! AHHH!!!! CRAP!!!! DANG IT. D=.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

withdrawal symptoms

i'm feeling withdrawal symptoms. i just cant stop seeing people eat meat. then i had noodles today and i had to give the fishball, fishcake, minced meat all those to my friends. haha. had training, ran 1 lap today (so slack!). then we did the stretching all those. then did those basic stuff. haha. me had to do red balling on the hard floor of the MPH. and my ass hurts so badly now. owww. uncle raj sent me to the bus stop.(thanks nikhil and uncle raj!). bus came like 5 mins later. w00t w00t! then got home, shat and showered. came out, just ate an egg tart and here i am now. cant wait for sunday to come...

Monday, April 6, 2009

how cool is that??

wow. i find it real cool. it's like the first time i'm fasting, and its from more than one thing. wow. thanks pastor edwin. glad that carita liked the present, even happier that her blog is ALIVE! w00t w00t! ok. haha. had loads of fun in school today, and i didnt really feel sleepy during tuition today!!! w00t w00t w00t!!! haha. thank God. he's helping me. i started fasting, and he is blessing me. thank God. Amen. my day was fantastic! i had loads of fun. and i actually went for a jog! woohooo!!!! but bad timing haha. i wanted to run 4km, but i ended up running 2 cuz i needed to shit. haha. oh yah. in school, my friend gave me a hot dog bun, and i only ate the bread cuz i'm fasting from meat! haha. so funny la. then i dropped the sausage on the floor accidentally. then everybody around me was like OMG!!! haha. funny seah. have fun fasting people!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i told you so!

hello. as i said i will post again today. so here i am.waiting for some people to come online for their photos. oh yah! my own one! haha i forgot. here's what happened today

went for training. did 2.4, 13min 56s
then did gym... aww my arms!
watched some cool video on a rugby match.

went home showered and left for movie immediately.
ate dinner then go inside theatre. bought the frame.
at home waiting.

i told you so1

i hate the new ez-link card.

i hate the new ez-link card. i detest it. i want to eat it up and then spit it into a fire. bleh. i look disgusting. what a joke.

i just took another of photo with that thing on top. cause jolene has the camera. ok, let me tell you about last night.

went to the SSO concert, PM got go leh! we were like joking say get ready to throw bottle caps during the concert. and i brought my sticks to make noise during the concert. but they told us that we will get thrown out if we made noise. haiz. so couldnt make noise. so i slept during the concert. they started and i slept. then my friend woke me up for the intermission. went back in and slept again. friend woke me up to clap hand so we can go off. i didnt really hear anything so i cant remember anything. walked to raffles city the shopping center. had macdonalds. took MRT to habourfront. then wei hao suppose to treat me cab. then the bus come, so we started sprinting and chased after the bus. caught it just in time. phew. went home and slept.

today still nothing much happened. all i did was wake up, tuition, take photo. most probably i'll post again later.=)!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



today was quite interesting, pranked a lot of people and my teacher. so i got 5 hours of CWO. ok. well, all i can think of now is green patch and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARITA!