Wednesday, July 15, 2009


haha this blog's like dead la. go to the jerbert one. i think i post there now. teehee.

hmm life's normal, and stuff. just need to get more self control and do my homework. shucks man. haha. hmmm... I MISS CHURCH. I WANT TO GO BACK. and drums. and joyo. and daniel. haiz. bye daniel! will be praying for you! God bless and come back with wonderful testimonies! =).

ok. i should quickly do my lit and sleep. haha. BYE! i'll try to post more here!

what the heck man! haha its so fun! and she's right. it goes UP and down!

Friday, July 3, 2009

hello, all!

haha. havent post for a while, pretty lazy. oh yah church people! i got new shared blog at! haha. so i think i'll be posting there more often? haha. wheee school's quite interesting now, with the new english teacher and all.

stayed back today, did the lit project with matthew and others. quite fun haha.

yu qiang came my house, and we started having laughing fits over some small thing. HAHA. wheee

omg. haha. i totally miss you. it's going up and down!