Friday, May 29, 2009

how time flies...

time really flies. it seems it was just yesterday that school started for the 1st term. and before i know it, the 2nd term's already over and half a year is gone. isn't it so fast? at times we wish that time would quickly go by, but we don't know that time is irreversible.

i guess most of y'all are still in school, finishing up the dreaded last day of the term, before you come back home to enjoy your long break. i wish you all the best for maybe the last 30 mins? enjoy it with your friends; you may not see them till a month later! =)

i guess it's impossible. i'm sorry.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


yay. my school no more already. finish. gone. 1 month break! =). tomorrow's the ptm, and i dunnid go school. yay! =).

training was a killer. did kiwi drills, 50m drills then some tackling drill because of the new laws in place. the tackling exercise was painful, esp with evandy venting his anger and charging at you like a bull.

class was crazy. the vice-chairman decided to let us do anything cuz it was the last day of school. shiok. tau-poked like siao. very fun. then suddenly got teacher come in. last lesson for 3 of my teachers today, 2 of them going to study, the last one i think go back hwa chong.

so, all the best for your last day! =)

i really dont know. i really really dont know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i need strawberry syrup. seriously.

went to learning journey today. the orchid farm super funny. the woman english very bad. so she say flower ranger. then i heard power ranger. haha. super funny. have training tomorrow. think its gonna be quite diffcult. heh. bye!

i really dont know. sometimes you seem so nice, others you really seem like you hate me. i really want to know the truth. really. ever since that day we've been so distant. is it me or you?

Monday, May 25, 2009


today was a very tiring day. went to school, was unable to wake up in the morning. then had training. our coach say must be at least 88kg in sec3. wow. i'll try my best i guess. well, im very tired. did gym, very weak me. cant lift plate 6 la. tsk tsk. must work harder. the starting did 400s, was last few. must train stamina. played basketball rugby. quite interesting. haha. i'm very hungry now(as usual). want to eat dinner soon. well, only 4 more days to the school hols!

i thought you said you would support me in everything i do? i guess it was just a lie.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


haha. my coach so funny today. ask me if you wanna know. ok, went training today, quite slack la. then after that got home, tuition. i slept during the ting xie. XD. ok so i'm going for youth later. then i think eat dinner. so bye!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


time really flies. it seems it was just yesterday that the exams ended. wow. results coming back on friday, hopefully i'll pass. and I THINK I PASSED CHINESE!! W00T W00T! wow.

had training today, quite fun. we started late and ended early. today was quite fruitful. learned loads. how to ruck properly and stuff. didnt do the 400s we were supposed to do. my mother was in the area so she picked me up. got home just. bye!

thank you for making my life great, but i think i ruined yours. sorry.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i'm feeling kinda sick

hey all. i'm feeling kinda sick now. headaches and all. i think was under the sun too much yesterday. aching all over after failing to do stretch-down yesterday. was quite fun. haha. restaurant city is addictive. dammit! its uber fun la. ok enough about yesterday.

went to church today, quite fun, ate at gurkahs, then i finally see the twins true colours. haha. ok. then we go back church. i went to watch josiah and kevin drumming for like 5 mins. then i went to ps edwin's house. very fun. then he thought china apple was beer! haha. we played some games. oh yah! we made a tune for sheng siong! it goes in the tune of 'heaven is a wonderful place.'

sheng siong is a wonderful place,

filled with ice-cream and grapes.

i want to see the cashier's face,

giving me my lovely change!

left for home. neighbour has this dam cool gun thingy. shoots rubber pellets super high. amazing.

was still h

Friday, May 15, 2009

w00t w00t

the exams are over!! w00t w00t! haha. the chinese paper the open ended thing very difficult. i took like 30 mins for 2 questions. then 2 mins for the last question. anyhoe copy some thing. finished just in time. *phew*.i think i screwed up my lit. but it doesnt matter till the results are back right? yeah man! i think i'll just pass geog and lit and both sciences. well, i guess that i should've studied more? haha. but well, its over!! =)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


hello all! tomorrow's the last paper! woohoo!! yeah man! wakakakakka. just bio and chinese. =(. gonna die at chinese man. and i still dont know what is a prokaryote and eukaryote. blehhh. i flunk today's lit. juest died. so much to write, so little time. all the best for your exams all!!! have fun mugging!!

wow. it's difficult isn't it?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

*shakes head*

i just screwed up my papers today. =(. confirm die already. and i have history and p science tomorrow. and i still havent study. both need loads. and i still havent. blehhh. =(.

i need to learn the way of a true mugga. please help me. i'm just so dead. geog was like crazy. i anyhow write rubbish. 'what is this plate?' ans: paper plate.

if i get correct i laugh.
well, gonna try to come back early tomorrow. and TRY to mug.

all the best for your exams!

this is my haven. this is where i cast all my insecurites. but its no longer one if you keep this up. please come.

Monday, May 11, 2009


everytime i listen to the song 'i miss you'. i feel this sense of something missing. like its just not there. esp at the part bout spiders. good drumming though. i like it. this song doesnt have any fill-in?haha.

woke up about 930? then i went to go shower.
shiokkk. now i'm not really thinking properly. cannot type properly.
guess there's nothing to write about yet. happy holiday all!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


hey thanks esther for the work!

went church today, aunty christina preached.
not too bad, she's improved.
constance was very good today, for a first timer.
she sang very high. i couldnt reach. no sound came out.
then went to tekka. wanted to eat curry puff.
dont have, so i bought 1 chicken pau, char siew pau and lor mai kai
shiok ah. ate in youth room. couldnt start the lor mai kai youth start
ps edwin didnt let me eat during cg time. =(
went to eat, played ball with amos. and sean. we owned sean! (nice one amos)

came back, slept.
went to cut hair
now gonna sleep. bye!

in case you still don't know, i've been cut from the drum course. continuing with the next group. i guess its alright, but when i first heard it, i was heartbroken and felt like crying. but, i guess its all part of God's plan. i guess there was also timely cutting me from the course. exams coming and all. so, thank God.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

perfect saturday. just perfect

ok. i just finished my tuition homework, and the tuition is starting in like 10mins. oh dear. chinese. i have to cut my hair, going to daniel goh's house later to study, not very excited about it. then we do some rubbish and play. then no use. haiz. i guess there's nothing else to say bout today, since its still in the morning

i think i screwed up last night.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



today was quite fun. esp during chinese. CAUSE TEACHER NEVER COME! haha. went to school, did some rubbish stuff. then now i;m supposed to study but i'm not. =(. those who prayed for my back, thanks and keep praying. its still hurting, hopefuly it'll heal tomorrow. going to go jogging and maybe do some gym tomorrow. in school. hah. but i think i wont. cause i''m scared of the track. have english remedial tomorrow. YESSHH!!!

i've nothing to go now... HELP!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

not gonna post about much

just thought of this. big and wide. random.

just cam back from dinner. bought PERCY PIGS!wakakaka. now i needa do work. =(. bye. haha

oooohhhhhh. YOU'RE WELL!

haha. well, you're well! wonder if you can come to church tomorrow! haha.

just finished tuition. last night went for dinner at west coast plaza. had waffle town. WOW. the food was quite nice. but a bit small. so we shared a footlong subway meetball marina. w00t w00t! imbalness man. then had bubble tea, bought a shirt(wow again), and went home. yeah. i'm in high spirits now. i dont know why. i didnt know ecstasy lasted so long.(just kidding). see you soon again people!

Friday, May 1, 2009

happy labour day!

i havent posted for sometime yet again. lol. sorry guys. anyway, i've strained/sprained my back, and painkillers dont work... ouch. so anyway, today's labour day. i actually did homework. but i'm still doing it. i woke up today, ate lor mai kai and shat. yucks. well, i plainning to go to dan goh's house for some study but i bet we'll get distracted. haha. heard natalie's down with suspected pneumonia? well, take care! and now there's the influeza A (H1N1). yeah. take care! dont get it!