Sunday, March 29, 2009

hot n cold

i'm feeling cold, but my temperatures bout 38,4 degrees. i'm supposed to be doing my homework, but i cant. i'm just getting too distracted. anyway, here's my day!

i went to church. then went for service. they had a flyer and i started drawing on the face on it. then aunty ivy and her family was sitting behind me. aunty ivy saw the drawing, then isaac told me that the guy is aunty ivy's principal. XD. then went for lunch, guess where? TEKKA MARKET! haha. quite cool, huh? i bought prawn noodles, and 2 drinks. SHIOK. then went back, started whacking the drums anyhow. then esther came. she's uber pro la. its like she play before loh. better than me. =((. even josiah said so. haha. didnt get to talk to annyone in cg2 except kelyn, bong and isaac. =(((. they had lunch to celebrate carita's birthday. well, i dont know what to get her. but i was thinking of vinegar sauce cuz she likes it. should i get it? please tag. went for drum lessons, nathaniel taught us today, and as usual, i was HOPELESS. haha. like seriously.i playing 3rd beat only wrong. HAHA. sian. i better get better hand-eye coordination. or whatever. yeah. then i walked to MRT with joanne's family. then i met fabian and ryan kong. yeah. so, have a good life! it's God-given! dont take it for granted! =).

Friday, March 27, 2009


dammit. i cant go to church tomorrow. dammit. the internet was down yesterday and troday this happens. uuuggghhhh. I WANT TO GO TO CHURCH!!!!!! I WANT TO HAVE MY FIRST AND LAST SPORTS DAY!!! ok enough about this, my life now...

yesterday: training from 3-530, went late cuz of one of my teachers. then i got 30 laps round the track cuz i went late. after that, we did strength training. uber fun. followed by scrum machine. also quite fun.

today: i should have but i didnt. MAN! today also bad day. 1st of all, i didnt wear my corparate tee to school. sian. then i have to go for this bloody campfire. dammit. haha. anyway, have fun at church tomorrow all you fortunate ones!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wednesday already ah!

hey. i dont think anyone is reading my blog... haha. anyway, i dont know if i'm pissing people off, i really dont know. maybe its my low EQ.yeah. i think it is.
ok... anyway, today was quite interesting. i was talking rubbish again. almost got yu qiang's ball confiscated. haha. there's training tomorrow, looking a bit forward to it. most likely we're running 2.4km.. haha. ok wish me luck!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

it was fun fun fuuuunnnn....

i loved saturday and sunday!!!!ok here's what happened.

saturday: woke up at 6:30 for rugby game at dempsey. i thought it would end at 10am but was supposed to end at 3pm actually. then just before the finals, there was a heavy thunderstorm so we delayed the matches. then we became joint champs with montford. for the sec 2s, the OWNED every other team. and they made me the WATERBOY!!!! it's quite fun actually. anyway, we got gold for both. then i went home and after my shower, it was already 6. so i quickly just packed and left for church!!!!! chrcuh owned!!! uber fun!!! we played games. then got truth or dare. haha so fun. i wanna play more. =( had drums today, realised i sucked very badly haha. i cant get the beat for the easiest of things! i need to work! then we went for my grandfathers death anniversary. had dinner and laugh loads. night people!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


YAY! TODAY IS TUESDAY! WOOHOOO! IT WAS SO AMAZZING!!!! I LOVE TUESDAY! i think. ok. haha. hey you. miss talking to you on msn. yeah. come online soon! and i told you talking to you was real fun. as in really really really fun. fun until cannot fun. yeah. cya both online soon!

Monday, March 16, 2009

back from camp.

day 1 in camp: after school, went to scouts camp. bleh i forgot what i did.

lets do it this way:
1st day dinner: canadian pizza (3 piecces)
2nd day:
breakfast: roti prata (2)
lunch: chicken cutlet
dinner: chicken rice
supper: hotdog buns (3 buns)
3rd day breakfast: mcdonalds burger.
thats all i can remember
ok. i went to church at 1.30. then i realised that there was no drums. sian. had black carrot cake for lunch. missed cg2. =(( miss those people

back from camp.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

my legs!

i ran 4.8km today. someone if you see my blog please congratulate me. ok. haha. going for scouts camp tomorrow, wont be released until sundayyyyy. then i go to church!!! w00t w00t! then hols!!!!! woo hooo!!!! god bless you all guys!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

bad day

today is a very very bad day. ok. it started off normal. then i brought deon's and bryan's presents when they were not visiting my class. pai seh. then during chinese, the teacher didnt come so i pulled down zachary's pants. 3 times. so yeah. then he cried. then teacher come ask me stay back after school. so i stayed back and i got 3 demerit points. ok. then during lit, teacher also never come. jun xian was throwing water bottles and i was whacking them back. then i hit a bottle and it hit luke's eye. then i started making fun of navnek. so he was angry and as usual started abusing his power. whatever. i dont ccare. my life is so screwed up... sorry parents. =(.

Monday, March 9, 2009


i'm in love!!!! haha. ok. how's life people? if you know my blog that is... haha! i wanna go to church! i bet all you guys want to right? yeah!!!!! fun fun fun!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


today was fun. went to school as usual, came home as usual. and as usual, had lunch. usually, i would bathe. and i did just that. so in the usual manner, i got scolded. i decided to cold war her. but i'm not that good yet. i think. ok. i chiong-ed my homework and went to sleep. as usual. then eat dinner. fun hor!! w00t w00t! what a fun day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


hey. sorry i havent posted for a while. nobody is like visiting my blog except my darling. so i suppose it's alright. today school was quite fun. i saw janice in school. then she didnt know where the physics lab 1 was. neither did i. sorry i couldnt help. haha. anyway, went for training. now the toilet's full of grass. yeah. we saw like 2 dead frogs and 2 live frogs on the side field today. super funny. wei hao was super clean, so coach beng made him roll on the mud to make it dirty. then we threw him on the frog. he started screaming. haha. fun. ok. i need to pee now so have fun at school!